How to Make Your Own Tone
A tone generator is known by several
names including function generator,
signal generator, frequency generator,
digital pattern generator and pitch
generator. A tone generator is built to
create non-repeating as well as
repeating electronic sounds. These tones
can either be analog or digital in nature.
A tone generator is often used to test,
repair, troubleshoot and design other
electroacoustic and electronic devices. A
tone generator can also be used as a way
to generate musical tones made popular
by DJs all over the world. Building a tone
generator is not that difficult and can be
done with simple electronics you may
already own and this article will show you
Step 1 - Wiring the Motors and
Each of the motors you have should
already have wires attached to them. If
they do not, then add some by soldering
them in place. Otherwise you can use the
wire strippers to remove the casing from
each of the wires. Take apart the 4-inch
speaker and remove the wires coming out
of it. When you are finished all of these
components will be connected to each
Unravel the ribbon cable and strip the
ends of the dual black and white wire as
well as the ends of the large white
cable. Solder the white cable from the
ribbon cable to the positive of the
speaker and the positive wire from the
CD drive motor to the negative of the
speaker. The next thing to do is to solder
the negative wire from the CD drive
motor to the positive of the mini motor.
The final bit of wiring is to solder the
negative of the mini motor to the
negative wire of the black and white dual
wire. Once you do these connections you
have the main wiring of the tone
generator complete.
Step 2 - Power Supply
The power supply can be salvaged from
many current video game consoles. These
are perfect because the end that goes
inside the game console is round. Form
the exposed wire from the white cable
into a loop and slide it onto the end of
the round power supply jack. Make sure
it is tightly wound and fits snug on the
This is a simple tone generator and to
use it is just as simple as it was building
it. Plug the power supply into the wall.
You'll notice that both motors will begin
to move and sound will be generated
through the speaker. You are essentially
creating an AC current instead of a DC
current. You can change the tone
generated by applying pressure to either
of the motors. As you manipulate the
motors you are actually causing a short
to occur. Once this happens the current
is directed through the other wires which
in turn creates a tone that can be heard
through the speaker. It may take time
and experimentation to understand its
Monday, February 29, 2016
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